COVID Community Heroes Nominations - Privacy Notice

The purpose for this processing

To encourage the nomination of community ‘heroes’ to recognise their action and involvement during COVID.

All nominated persons will be contacted to seek their consent for the onward processing of their data.

Legal basis for this processing

  1. Article 6 Lawfulness of Processing (Section 1, (a))

The data subject has given consent to the processing of his or her personal data.

  1. Article 9 Processing of Special Categories of Personal Data (Section 2, (a))

The data subject has given explicit consent to the processing.

All nomination forms will be verified for authenticity and consent will be sought from nominees before any onward processing of their data.

What data we will collect

In the course of this process we collect the following personal information, when the nominator provides it to us:

  • Nominee’s personal information (such as name, address, contact details, mobile phone number, date of birth, gender)
  • Nominee’s special category information (such as ethnicity, disability, health conditions) if this is part of the nomination story
  • Nominator’s personal information provided (such as name, address, organisation and contact details, mobile phone number)
  • Information provided by the person giving consent if parent/guardian (such as name, address, contact details, mobile phone number)
  • Reason for nomination (achievements and efforts recognised)
  • Any further details such as issues or challenges that may have been faced, working together with others and in the community
  • Photographs and images that are provided with the nomination, and any other photographs or images supplied with consent.

How long do we keep your personal data

Personal information will be retained while receiving and processing nominations and will be disposed of securely within 12 months.

Who do we share it with

Information relating to the nominator and nominee will be shared within Tendring District Council for activities associated with this purpose only.

Nominees will also be contacted to seek their consent to process their data for this purpose and will include the identification of the person(s) making the nomination (nominator).

Where we get it from

From persons submitting a nomination form and from the nominee directly.

Is automated decision making applied to this processing

No automated decision making applies to this process.

Last updated on: 20/11/2020 - 15:52