The Council's Corporate Plan 2020-2024 puts Community Leadership at the heart of everything we do. It is from this central role that we undertake services or work with partners with the aim of tackling the key challenges in the District identified as:-
- Delivering High Quality Services
- Community Leadership Through Partnerships
- Building Sustainable Communities for the Future
- Strong Finances and Governance
- A Growing and Inclusive Economy
The high level priorities set out in the Corporate Plan are complemented by specific actions to be taken which are set out in Our Priorities and Projects 2019/20.
There is clear linkage between our aspirations, detailed in the Corporate Plan, Our Priorities and Projects and the Performance Reports. This Performance Report details our performance against a set of key projects and targets, as well as headline performance in dealing with complaints and our staff’s absence rate. Each project has an exceptions area where departments can highlight areas of performance outside of normal boundaries, which are monitored within their own departmental arrangements.
2018-19 Departmental Plans
Leadership Support and Community 2018-19 Departmental Plan
Corporate Services 2018-19 Departmental Plan
Operational Services 2018-19 Departmental Plan
Planning and Regeneration 2018-19 Departmental Plan
2019 - 20 Quarterly Performance Reports
Q1 - June Community Leadership Performance Report
Q1 - June Resources and Services Performance Report
Q2 - September Community Leadership Performance Report
Q2- September Resources and Services Performance Report
Q3 - December Community Leadership Performance Report
Q3 - December Resources and Services Performance Report
2018 -19 Quarterly Performance Reports
From May 2018, there was a change to the reporting route for the Performance Reports. It is now the responsibility of two Overview and Scrutiny Committees to scrutinise the Quarterly Performance Reports. Community Leadership Committee retain a focus on external partnerships and the Council’s influencing role in the community. Resources and Services Committee focus on the work of the Council and the resourcing and delivery of its services. Previous to this, all performance monitoring has been subject to scrutiny by the Corporate Management Committee. Whilst the majority of the performance framework will continue to be reported to the Resources and Services Committee for scrutiny, the targets that relate to our partnership and influencing work are compiled in a separate report for consideration by the Community Leadership Committee. The new reporting arrangements were introduced from the first quarter of 2018/19.
Q1 - 2018/19 Quarterly Performance Report (Community Leadership)
Q1 - 2018/19 Quarterly Performance Report (Resources & Services)
Q2 - 2018/19 Quarterly Performance Report (Community Leadership)
Q2 - 2018/19 Quarterly Performance Report (Resources & Services)
Q3 - 2018/19 Quarterly Performance Report (Community Leadership)
Q3 - 2018/19 Quarterly Performance Report (Resources & Services)
Q4 - 2018/19 Quarterly Performance Report (Community Leadership)
Q4 - 2018/19 Quarterly Performance Report (Resources & Services)
Local Government Association Peer Challenge
The Local Government Association offers a range of tools to support sector led improvement and help councils further strengthen local accountability and explore how effectively they are delivering services. Peer Challenges are part of this offer. They provide a robust and effective improvement tool managed and delivered by the sector, for the sector. Peers are at the heart of the peer challenge process and provide a ‘practitioner perspective’ and ‘critical friend’ challenge.
Tendring District Council had a Peer Challenge Review from 6th to 9th March 2018.
During the visit, the Team met with Cabinet and separately with some Portfolio Holders as well as Group Leaders, Overview and Scrutiny Chairs, some officers and external partner representatives.
As part of the preparation for the review, the Council submitted a Position Statement that set out some background information about Tendring, how we see our current position and particular areas of focus which we asked the team to consider.
The Review considered five key strands that all Peer Challenges cover:-
- Understanding of the local place and priority setting
- Leadership of place
- Financial planning and viability
- Organisational leadership and governance
- Capacity to deliver
For Tendring, the Team also looked specifically at Transformation (physical and digital) and growth, particularly Jaywick Sands.
The Council has now received a feedback report from the Peer Review Team which is attached and includes the following recommendations:-.
- Improve how we tell the story of what we are achieving
- Devise an approach to programme management and project delivery
- Bring the four strands of transformation – customers, property, digital and people – together
- Review how we deal with underspends, savings and financial risk and look at the phasing of our capital programme
- Add housing as a strand to our community leadership focus alongside education, health and community safety
- Be confident in our plans for Jaywick
The Leader responded to the feedback report in his State of Tendring speech at Council on 27 March 2018. Overall the Council welcomes the comments and is pleased that the focus we have placed on Community Leadership is recognised and applauded. The Council accepts the recommendations made and will be formulating an action plan to implement these. Some have already been incorporated into our Priorities and Projects for the year.