Highway verges and hedgerows
These are cut by us on behalf of Essex County Council. A planned programme of work takes place throughout the year regarding hedgerows. If you have an enquiry or complaint regarding grass cutting on council owned verges please contact us.
If you have an enquiry or complaint regarding highway verges which is not related to grass cutting please contact Essex County Council on 0345 603 7631 or report it online(link is external).
There is an overgrown hedge/tree branches overhanging the pavement and making it difficult to walk past, who do I report this to?
If the overgrown hedge/tree is from privately owned land such as a private garden then it is the responsibility of the land owner to cut it back. You could try speaking to the land owner to make them aware of the problem or alternatively if it is causing an obstruction to the highway / pavement then please phone Essex County Councils Highway Department on 0345 603 7631 who will investigate.
If the overgrown hedge/tree is from Council owned land then we will arrange for it to be cut back. Please contact our Open Spaces Department on 01255 686677.
I would like to report vehicles parking on verges/causing damage to the grass verges
All highway verges are owned by Essex County Council, please report this problem to their Highways Department on 0345 603 7631 who will investigate.
There are a large amount of weeds growing out of the cracks in the pavement, who do I report this to?
Essex County Council Highways are responsible for carrying out weed killing on the pavements throughout the district. Weed killing is carried out twice a year, once in the spring and once again in the summer. Only weeds that are present at the time of spraying will be killed. Please report problems relating to weeds growing on pavements to 0345 603 7631.