Independent people needed to help maintain standards and review Councillors allowances

Independent people are needed to help maintain high standards of Councillors’ conduct and review Councillors’ allowances.

We are looking for applicants to play an important role in relation to Councillors’ conduct and the amount Councillors are paid.

You will be involved in helping to promote and maintain the highest possible standards of behaviour in the work of the Council and playing a part in deciding whether complaints received about elected Members need to be investigated. In this role you will work alongside both the Council’s Monitoring Officer and Standards Committee.

You will also make recommendations in relation to the Councillors’ scheme of allowances.

The role will require attendance at up to four formal day meetings; and up to six ad hoc meetings in a year. An allowance of £600 a year plus mileage expenses is paid.

Both aspects not only apply to Tendring District Councillors but also Town and Parish Councillors in the area.

We are keen to hear from applicants with a broad range of experience, an independent and analytical mind, who are tactful and have good interpersonal skills, demonstrate probity and high levels of integrity in their conduct.   

You will want to have a desire to serve the public interest and the local community, to uphold local democracy and act as an ambassador of impartiality.

More information and an application pack can be downloaded here.

The deadline for applications is 26 October 2018.

Some eligibility restrictions apply, which are outlined in the information pack.

Last updated on: 05/10/2018 - 10:26