Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement

The Council is required, pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 to produce a slavery and human trafficking statement for each financial year.  The following constitutes our Statement for the financial year ending 31st March 2023:

What is Slavery?

A brief description is as follows:

  1. a person holds another person in slavery or servitude and the circumstances are such that the person knows or ought to know that the other person is held in slavery or servitude, or
  2. the person requires another person to perform forced or compulsory labour and the circumstances are such that the person knows or ought to know that the other person is being required to perform forced or compulsory labour.

What is Human Trafficking?

A brief description is as follows:

  1. a person commits an offence if the person arranges or facilitates the travel of another person with a view exploiting that person.
  2. a person is exploited if one or more of the following apply in relation to the person - slavery, servitude and forced or compulsory labour

[the above definitions are those set out in the Modern Slavery Act 2015]

What is the Council Doing?

Tendring District Council is committed to improving our practices to combat slavery and human trafficking.  As part of Local Government, we recognise that we have a responsibility to take a robust approach to slavery and human trafficking.  In addition to our responsibility as an employer, we also acknowledge we have a duty as a District Council to notify the Secretary of State of suspected victims of slavery or human trafficking as introduced by section 52 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

The Council also puts personal integrity, honesty and respect for others along with recognising the diversity and equality of individuals at the core of its overall values.

Through the above, the Council firmly puts community leadership at the heart of everything it does and therefore is committed to the various elements supporting this overall vision which would include combating slavery and human trafficking.

Organisation Structure:

This statement covers the full activities of Tendring District Council and its Organisational Structure.

Our Supply Chains:

As a District Council we purchase goods and services under a robust procurement strategy which includes a commitment to ethical purchasing and equality and diversity in procurement.

The Council expects all suppliers to adhere to the same principles and would always aim to ensure that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in any part of our business.

The Council recognises that we all have a responsibility to be alert to the risks, however small, in our business and in the wider supply chain.

The Council has identified the Community Engagement Manager as the single point of contact for Council Officers to report any concerns or suspicions that may arise as they carry out their day to day activities.  The Community Engagement Manager also has a duty to report relevant matters to the Home Office

To date we have not identified or been notified of any slavery or human trafficking activities in our supply chain or in any part of the business.  If we did become aware of such issues we would act immediately.

Although we have robust processes in place the Council remains committed to improving all aspects of its business and further actions proposed include:

  • The provision of awareness through communication and training – to both Officers and Members
  • Ensuring specifications include a commitment from suppliers to support the requirements of the Modern Slavery Act 2015
  • Not awarding contracts where suppliers do not demonstrate their commitment to ensuring that slavery and human trafficking are not taking place in their own business or supply chains.
  • A on-going commitment and expectations from Officers to be included in future revisions to the Council’s Procurement Strategy
  • Protection of whistle blowers.


Ian Davidson, Chief Executive

Last updated on: 25/04/2023 - 09:03