Transparency – making public information available to everyone

We are committed to transparency in the delivery of our services and business operations. You are entitled to see how we are spending the money raised through Council Tax and this section of the website has been designed to help you do that.

Visit our "About Council Finance" page for an explanation
of the main financial documents that the Council produces.

If you vote in this area, you can have a look at the audited accounts at the Town Hall, Station Road, Clacton-on-Sea, Essex between the hours of 9.00 am and 5.00 pm Monday to Friday. You may also make certain copies. We can also send copies of certain information to you. Please contact Richard Barrett at the above address or telephone (01255) 686521.

Salary Information

Monthly salary and additional payments grouped by grade of officer are available on the financial information page per years:

Salary Information 2023/24

Salary Information 2022/2023

Salary Information 2021/2022

Salary Information 2020/2021

Salary Information 2019/2020

Salary Information 2018/2019

Salary Information 2017/2018

Salary Information 2016/2017

Salary Information 2015/2016

Salary Information 2014/2015

Salary Information 2013/2014

Gender Pay

Gender Pay Gap Report 2017/18

Gender Pay Gap Report 2018/19

Gender Pay Gap Report 2019/20

Gender Pay Gap Report 2020/21

Gender Pay Gap Report 2021/22

Gender Pay Gap Report 2022/23

Gender Pay Gap Report 2023/24

Payments to Suppliers

April 2016 - March 2017

April 2017 - March 2018

April 2018 - March 2019

April 2019 - March 2020 

April 2020 - March 2021 

April 2021 - March 2022 

April 2022  - March 2023

April 2023 - March 2024

April 2024 - May 2024

Councillors' allowances and expenses

Archived Members Allowances February 2024

Archived Members Allowances January 2024

Archived Members Allowances November 2023 - 24 

Archived Members Allowances 2022 - 23 

Archived Members Allowances 2021 - 2022

Archived Members Allowances 2020 - 21

Archived Members Allowances 2019 - 20

Archived Members Allowances 2018 - 19

Archived Members  Allowances 2017 - 18

Archived Members Allowances 2016-17

Archived Members Allowances 2015-16

Archived Members Allowances 2014-15

Archived Members Allowances 2013-14

Archived Members Allowances 2012-13

Contracts Register

Use this link to see more information on how to do business with the Council and our current Contracts register

Freedom of Information

The Freedom of Information Act gives you the right to obtain information held by public authorities unless there are good reasons to keep it confidential.

To request information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 please see the "Your right to know page" or e-mail or telephone 01255 686063.

Further information will be added to this page as it becomes available.


Use this link to see our annual publication in accordance with the councils transparency code.

Organisational Structure Chart

Use this link to see our current Structure Chart.

Pay Policy

Use this link to see our current Pay Policy.

Appendix 1 - TDC Salary Scales


The recognised trade union within TDC is Unison, some staff have also joined Unite, TGW and GMB.

Use this link to view Trade Union Facility Reported Time Data 21 - 22
Use this link to view Trade Union Facility Reported Time Data 20 - 21
Use this link to view Trade Union Facility Reported Time Data 19 - 20
Use this link to view Trade Union Facility Reported Time Data 18 - 19
Use this link to view Trade Union Facility Reported Time Data 17 - 18.


Prompt Payment Summary

2015-16 Prompt Payment Summary

2016-17 Prompt Payment Summary

2017-18 Prompt Payment Summary

2018-19 Prompt Payment Summary

2019-20 Prompt Payment Summary

2020-21 Prompt Payment Summary

2021-22 Prompt Payment Summary

2022-23 Prompt Payment Summary

Quarter 1 2023-24 Payment Summary

Quarter 2 2023-24 Payment Summary

Cabinet’s Key Priority Actions – Position Statements

2021 - 2022 Cabinets Key Priority Action and Q1 Progress Report

2021 - 2022 Cabinet's Key Priority Actions and Q2 Progress Report

2021 - 2022 Cabinet's Key Priority Actions and Q3 Progress Report

2021 - 2022 Cabinet Key Priority Actions Outturn Report 

2022 - 2023 Cabinet's Key Priority Actions and Q1 Progress Report 

2022 - 2023 Cabinet's Key Priority Actions and Q2 Progress Report 

2022 – 2023 Cabinet Key Priority Actions Outturn Report

COVID 19 Members Grants

COVID 19 Members’ Small Grant Scheme

In 2020, the Leader of the Council agreed a members’ small grant scheme that made £1,000 available to each ward Member to enable them to help local organisation / community groups who were responding to the COVID 19 pandemic. Given the ongoing impact of the pandemic, this scheme was extended in 2021, with a further £1,000 made available to each ward member.

The scheme expired at the end of March 2022, with a final scheme schedule as follows, which sets out how much was awarded by each ward member, including the local organisations supported:

Members Small Scheme to March 2022 

Members Grants

In 2022 and 2023 the Leader of the Council agreed a members’ small grant schemes for the celebration of the Her Majesty the Queens Platinum Jubilee (£1,000) and the His Majesty the Kings Coronation (£200) respectively.  These were made available to each ward Member to enable them to help local organisation/community groups celebration these two momentus events.

Both schemes have expired, with a final scheme schedules as follows, which sets out how much was awarded by each ward member, including the local organisations supported:

Coronation Members Small Scheme Record

Jubilee Members Small Scheme Record

Ombudsman Annual Report

Each year the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman publishes summary statistics for each Council on complaints made about individual Councils to the Ombudsman. These set out where the complaints have been upheld, the Council has complied with recommendations and where the Council has provided a satisfactory remedy. The 2022 Letter to this Council from the Ombudsman is available here:

Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman letter 2023

Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman letter 2022

Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman letter 2021

Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman letter 2020

Last updated on: 05/06/2024 - 13:47